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A God Dream

I’ve always loved to read, and writing just always seemed to come naturally to me. As a child I would write short stories, and I attempted to complete a novel when I was around 12. I kept a notebook of poetry all throughout high school, and would read my poems to anyone with a willing ear. Although I had this desire, and God given talent to write, I didn’t see how I could ever use it in a I kept the dream of one day writing a book kind of hidden away in the trophy room of my heart, and only stopped by to occasionally stare at it wistfully, and brush the dust, and cobwebs away. In 2016, I began to have an intense desire to share encouragement with believers, and non-believers alike some of the things I wish I had known when I was younger...such as just how much Jesus loves me, and desires me to give my heart freely to Him; recognizing and believing this fact changes everything. I began to write a book called Dear Younger Me which consists of letters to my younger self, and shares the manifold grace of the gospel. God alone gets the glory, because I could not have written one word without Him. You may also have a God may not be writing, but it’s something that always comes  natural to you. The years may have gone by, and you had no hope of it ever coming to past, so you tossed it to the side, but let me encourage you to pick it back up, use what’s in your hands, and trust God for the rest.                                                                                            Exodus 4:2 NIV Then the LORD said to him, "What is that in your hand?" "A staff," he replied.  


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