I’ve never been a fan of waiting…I’m the girl that dives head first into the ocean and once I’m under water conveniently remembers that I need to hold my breath. Yup that’s me in a nut shell. But wonders of wonders lately and when I say lately I mean the last few years -I’ve felt God working on that part of me. Prompting me to rest, not try to map out my own life, but wait …and wait, and wait. Sigh at least that’s how it’s felt to me, like I’ve been placed in the waiting room of life. But something remarkable has been happening to me in this seemingly endless white space…it starts as a quiet whisper. A whisper so gently soft yet so powerful, and I can only hear it when I rest from my own work, my own will to do. I hear God speak to me that He holds me in His hands and that His grace is sufficient for whatever life holds in store. When I hear this I begin to relax; I mean we’re talking about the Author of life, the One with unlimited wisdom, surely I can trust Him with my life…I mean He died so I might live and have an abundant life, so why worry ? It’s a daily faith walk and one that’s not so easy when trusting is not my strong suit, but I place my hand in His and say “Alright Lord, speak for your servant is listening” and you know what? It’s then that I begin to hear Him loud and clear say “Follow Me.”
Praise is a weapon, and it’s so important that we learn to use it appropriately. We all have challenging days, and it’s those very times that we need to cling to Jesus. The Bible tells us that God inhabits our praise; Inhabit is defined as: ‘to exist or be situated within; dwell in’ I don’t know about you, but when I encounter difficulties or trials, there is nothing better than knowing that God is in the midst of it with me; moving and working on my behalf. I’m not going to say that my flesh doesn’t fight against this, and that there aren’t times when I want to ‘clap back’ as they say...after all they deserve it right? You hurt me, so I hurt you? It’s the way of the world after all, and we have so many sayings that attest to this...that speak of revenge, and payback...but God doesn’t agree with the things of this world. Psalm 22:3 KJV 3 But thou art holy, O thou that inhabitest the praises of Israel. Something starts to happen when I begin to praise God for who ...
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