I want to share the hope I have in Jesus. He is my real living hope…you see I once walked in darkness, without hope and totally unaware of the riches in grace and mercy that were available to me. You see I had always known of God but never truly knew him personally. I mean as large and wide as this world is, why would He care about my heart, my pain? But you see I was totally wrong-He does. It was when I was at my lowest point without any possible rescuer in sight that I cried out to Him…and guess what? He answered me. And I’m sure without a shadow of a doubt that if you too are in that dark place of hopelessness that He will hear you when you call…because more than Lord of all He is a father that loves…in fact He loves so deeply that He gave His only son as a ransom for many . I don’t know about you but to me that is the true definition of love, and while this journey called life is filled with obstacles I know that my Father is one call away.
Praise is a weapon, and it’s so important that we learn to use it appropriately. We all have challenging days, and it’s those very times that we need to cling to Jesus. The Bible tells us that God inhabits our praise; Inhabit is defined as: ‘to exist or be situated within; dwell in’ I don’t know about you, but when I encounter difficulties or trials, there is nothing better than knowing that God is in the midst of it with me; moving and working on my behalf. I’m not going to say that my flesh doesn’t fight against this, and that there aren’t times when I want to ‘clap back’ as they say...after all they deserve it right? You hurt me, so I hurt you? It’s the way of the world after all, and we have so many sayings that attest to this...that speak of revenge, and payback...but God doesn’t agree with the things of this world. Psalm 22:3 KJV 3 But thou art holy, O thou that inhabitest the praises of Israel. Something starts to happen when I begin to praise God for who ...
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