…somewhere in the world, but some days will be filled with rain, and dark clouds that block out the sun's beautiful rays ;even though I'm an island girl who often wishes for perpetual Summer, I understand that those rain filled days are just as important . I mean looking back at my life I've never felt the presence of Jesus as closely the times that everything was going perfectly in my life, as much as when the storm clouds began to gather, and the winds began to lash over my life, and trial after trial appeared on every side. It was those times that my faith began to be exercised, and enlarged. God is a good father, and though He does not cause the bad things in this world, He will allow them to work as a refiner's fire that removes the dross from our lives. Jesus states that in this world we will have trouble, but He also tells us to be of good cheer because He overcame the world. To me that means that I don’t have to do it alone, He has already finished the task…so why worry ? To me this journey called life is about coming to know Jesus more fully, in every obstacle, in every triumph I see His face even more clearly because He is truly with me. If this is a monsoon period in your life rejoice ! Their is a rainbow waiting for you on the other side of the downpour, and it brings a blessing to take you from faith to faith. Romans 1:17
…somewhere in the world, but some days will be filled with rain, and dark clouds that block out the sun's beautiful rays ;even though I'm an island girl who often wishes for perpetual Summer, I understand that those rain filled days are just as important . I mean looking back at my life I've never felt the presence of Jesus as closely the times that everything was going perfectly in my life, as much as when the storm clouds began to gather, and the winds began to lash over my life, and trial after trial appeared on every side. It was those times that my faith began to be exercised, and enlarged. God is a good father, and though He does not cause the bad things in this world, He will allow them to work as a refiner's fire that removes the dross from our lives. Jesus states that in this world we will have trouble, but He also tells us to be of good cheer because He overcame the world. To me that means that I don’t have to do it alone, He has already finished the task…so why worry ? To me this journey called life is about coming to know Jesus more fully, in every obstacle, in every triumph I see His face even more clearly because He is truly with me. If this is a monsoon period in your life rejoice ! Their is a rainbow waiting for you on the other side of the downpour, and it brings a blessing to take you from faith to faith. Romans 1:17
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