I’ve been thinking of Hannah a lot lately...you know, the mother of Samuel one of the prophets in ancient Israel? Well before she was known as Samuel’s mother, she was Elkanah’s barren wife. I’m convinced that too often we place premature titles on ourselves, based on our current circumstances, or prior experiences.
Here are a few of my observations on Hannah that I believe we can all learn from:
Firstly, she persevered in prayer. Though her heart was filled with sorrow, and she was overcome with grief over her long awaited desire to have a child, she brought her sadness to God. “She was deeply distressed and prayed to the Lord and wept bitterly.” 1 Samuel 1:10 ESV
I don’t believe it was by happenstance that Eli saw her, and interceded with God on her behalf. I believe Hannah was in the right place-the house of God- and displayed the proper posture. She knew of the loving kindness of the Lord, had possibly heard of His great exploits for His people Israel, and she expected Him to act on her behalf.
I also believe that God desired to answer Hannah’s request in the fullness of time...it was His plan to raise up Hannah’s future son Samuel in Eli’s and his sons’ stead, but first he needed Samuel to be raised in the temple.
I see this playing out in my own life, when some of the dreams of my heart appeared deferred...but it was not so. God had other plans, and those plans required the fullness of time for them to be accomplished.
There are a few things that I know to be true: God is good, He is faithful, and His ways are best. He gives me more than I deserve, and always exceeds my expectations. Hannah who was formerly barren went on to be the mother of many children. “GOD was most especially kind to Hannah. She had three more sons and two daughters! The boy Samuel stayed at the sanctuary and grew up with GOD.”
1 Samuel 2:21 MSG
I believe God places some of the desires that we have in our heart, desires that await the fullness of time, and the outworkings of His plan. Like Hannah we can persevere in prayer, with the expectancy that Jesus the giver of every good gift, will intercede on our behalf if we will simply look to Him.
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