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The Story of Creation

For God created the world, and all things in the world; He separated light from darkness, man and woman created He them, and when He was finished creating He said it -everything He had done-was good. For God is good, and all that He does is good. God gave one command , not to restrict, but to protect His children: do not eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. But the woman was enticed by the evil one, and the man was weak, and followed her lead. Evil entered the perfect world, toil and sin entered the world, pain entered the world, and it all lead to death. It's not love unless the loved one has a choice to love you back, so God gave the children of man the option to choose Him. Yet they forgot their Creator, but He did not forget them. He sent prophets to warn them to turn back to that purpose which He had created them for, but they would not hear. He sent His own Son, God in flesh : fully God and fully man. Their is no sorrow that man has borne that He is not acquainted with: Jesus knows and cares about your pain. They rejected Him, but He would not allow the story to be painted in death, He laid His life down once for all, and picked it back up. Now death has lost it's sting and He reigns triumphantly. But if the one who is enslaved is never informed of their freedom,then they carry on in their slavery née sin. So He has endowed His servants with a voice, the way He endowed the prophets that came before, and we His people ring the bells of freedom throughout the ages : Jesus is alive, let fall the chains that ensnare, for He has paid the ultimate sacrifice. 


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