Of all the biblical characters and stories, I've always felt the most affinity with Joseph. Joseph was a dreamer, and when he was around seventeen The Lord gave him a dream that was apparently so real and vivid to him, that he held on to it : through the pit, slavery, and wrongful imprisonment. The bible never mentions that Joseph became bitter, angry, or disillusioned; instead in Psalms 105:19 it says "Until the time that his word came: the word of The Lord tried him." You see Joseph knew without a doubt that The Lord had personally given him a word. Yet in his present circumstances he could not see how that word would come to pass...so his dream tested his faith. But thank God that He has his appointed time and seasons in our lives, for when the time came about thirteen years after Joseph first had his dream, God lifted him up to a place of stature, and brought his dream to pass. That story encourages me, that no matter how long it may take God's word to come to pass, at the end it will accomplish what He intended it to. God is always right on time.
Praise is a weapon, and it’s so important that we learn to use it appropriately. We all have challenging days, and it’s those very times that we need to cling to Jesus. The Bible tells us that God inhabits our praise; Inhabit is defined as: ‘to exist or be situated within; dwell in’ I don’t know about you, but when I encounter difficulties or trials, there is nothing better than knowing that God is in the midst of it with me; moving and working on my behalf. I’m not going to say that my flesh doesn’t fight against this, and that there aren’t times when I want to ‘clap back’ as they say...after all they deserve it right? You hurt me, so I hurt you? It’s the way of the world after all, and we have so many sayings that attest to this...that speak of revenge, and payback...but God doesn’t agree with the things of this world. Psalm 22:3 KJV 3 But thou art holy, O thou that inhabitest the praises of Israel. Something starts to happen when I begin to praise God for who ...
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