Sometimes the things you don’t see coming in life can blindside you the most: such as a family member being diagnosed with one of those scary words, that somewhere in the back of your mind you thought was reserved for TV medical dramas. I’ve learned that God is so much bigger than any fear that may try to creep into our heart. We’re human: flesh, and blood, God remembers our frame that we are dust...but He is eternal, our God who gives strength to the weak, and power to the powerless. I remember at what felt like my most hopeless moment, in a pit of disbelief at what was happening around me, and feeling so utterly alone, suddenly I could feel God’s Presence, felt like I was surrounded totally, in His arms. The angst, and worry flew away, and I was completely at peace, and felt I could get through the rest of the day. Jesus is the Prince of Peace, and is available to give us this comfort if we will come to Him. We don’t have to have it all together. Perhaps in your momen...
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