It is my favorite word, translates easily among foreign languages .
Only takes four letters to make my heart sing; it is LOVE . I wrote it in all caps because let's face it, it's not a wimpy word. It in fact takes courage to love .
In no other situation would one close their eyes tightly and jump blindly; but with love that is exactly what we do and with a huge Colgate smile pasted to our face as well .
For we have no clue when we take that leap of faith what will be waiting for us when our feet finally touch the ground -or whether or not we will even make it to land !
Nevertheless no sweeter kiss have I ever known than the kiss of love, and I crave it like dark chocolate; no matter the occasional bitter after taste .
My favorite quote by English poet Alfred, Lord Tennyson sums up my feelings on the matter entirely "Tis better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all"
So no matter how many times I have to beseech love "Et tu, Love?"
I will keep coming back with open arms .
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