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Showing posts from March, 2016

A God Sized Dream

              Image via : indescribable One of my favorite characters in the Bible is Joseph. He was known as a dreamer, and the dreams he had were God sized dreams. Dreams which were bigger than his current circumstances, dreams which would follow him for years without bearing fruit, but like all God given dreams in the end, at their proper, appointed time they would have to come to pass. Do you have any God given dreams? Maybe ones that are so huge that when you share them with others they laugh ? Or maybe like the case of Joseph's brothers they become envious to the point of plotting your down fall? You see , what Joseph's brothers did not understand- and what Joseph himself did not recognize-was that this dream did not speak about God lifting Joseph up just to be honored , and glorified above his brothers. No, God was going to use Joseph on the platform he would be given to save a nation.   The thing about God given dreams is th...