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Showing posts from January, 2012

Sweet Solitude

Meet me in the cool of morning, In the quiet space before the sun rises, Sweet solitude a soothing balm for my soul, I breathe in the sweet promises of a new day, I dance amidst the dew drops, The sparrow's lilting melodies a wondrous refrain, I could stay here forever twirling through the mist, Laughing aloud and waiting for Spring, via

Dream Catcher

Their is something very special about a new rushes in filled to bursting with hopes waiting to come to life, dreams that float just within reach, and your sure that if you just stretch a little higher, and maybe stand up on your tippy toes you'll manage to catch them. It's a new beginning, a fresh start, and brimming with endless possibilities.

I Have A Dream

And The Sun Shines Down

And the sun shines down, Sending all it's warmth into my heart, Spreading it's delicious rays through out my body like the sweetest syrup, I lift my face the better to feel the tantalizing sensations, I can't stop this smile from taking over, I smile, and I smile, and I smile, And just for a split second I eclipse the sun,