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Showing posts from October, 2011


"...every day is a second chance."

To Be a Girl

I'm just a girl, Just a girl who laughs outloud at the playful touch of a snowflake against her cheek, I'm just a girl, Just a girl who lives for the beautiful moments of life, I'm just a girl, Just a girl born on an island in the middle of the sea, A girl who was born running ahead while looking behind her, Just a girl, A girl who looks to the sky for the moment she can fly high, Twisting and twirling in the winds of change, I'm just a girl can't you see? Just a girl who was born on an island in the middle of the sea,


So often in life we are forced to walk down paths, and around corners without knowing what’s waiting around the bend. It’s in those times when we feel most helpless, that our weakness becomes our strength, and we have to turn over those things that are beyond our control to Someone who is far more able than we are. The One who has good plans for us, the Author of life, perfecter of faith, who’s vision far surpasses the small snapshot of our own and sees the big picture, and our perfect fit in this puzzle called life.