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Showing posts from February, 2010

Land Of Eternal Sun

My joy reaches up-up towards the heavens, Watch my bubbles of happiness as they cascade over me-filling me with endless delight, Finally unable to suppress the myriad of giggles tickling the back of my throat I throw my head back and laugh with delight, I laugh and I laugh until my laughter takes me to a place so bright that I have to squint my eyes, I look around in wonder and wonder if I've managed to land on the sun, This thought of eternal sunshine causes me to laugh some more,


This life that I was given...a gift from God who created me and breathed life into me. Placed on earth and called to Him so that I may have an abundance of joy through Him . I'm so thankful for his love, which flows over me like the calmest sea...quieting every fear, doubt, and worry. He blesses me every day, walks with me through any storms that may arise, holds my hand through the darkest night-this is love, this is what true love is like: unconditional mercy and forgiveness. He washes me until I am as white as snow, washes me until I can stare into the river of his righteousness and see my true reflection. The real me-that's when I can see myself the way he has always seen me. Chosen-chosen to be a part of his eternal family. Cherished-cherished more than the most precious stone. So I shine my light so that others can see His that others can walk towards their true reflection.